FCCA workshops cover a wide area of topics, including all Core Competencies, as defined by the Dept. of EEC:
- Understanding Growth and Development of Children - Guiding and Interacting with Children and Youth - Partnering with Families and Communities - Observation, Assessment & Planning for Individual Need - Learning Environments & Implementing Curriculum - Program Planning & Development - Health, Safety & Nutrition - Professionalism & Leadership - Diverse Learners It is required for the members of the FCCA to register at least 10 days before each workshop, so that we can prep materials and certificates. Door opens 45 min before the workshop begins. We appreciate volunteers to help us set up and help us clean up at the end of each workshop. Attendance is required for certificate. Workshops are for licensed educators only! Workshops are held at First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica. We also offer Zoom workshops for those cold snowy winter months. Non-Member Information: All family child care providers are welcome to attend a workshop. The non-member workshop fee is $25-$40 depending on the topic and must be paid before the workshop begins. If paying by check, please make check payable to: FCCA . Or you may pay by venmo to: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159. Please email [email protected] to confirm enrollment and schedule a payment. No refunds; Please make sure you can attend before signing up. Non-member workshop fees are not applicable towards membership. Licensed providers that are interested in seeing what the FCCA has to offer may attend for free. Non-members who do not pay for the workshop will not receive a training certificate. Visit the membership page to get more information on membership. |
We are excited to announce our latest workshops. Some will be hosted in person and some virtually! All workshops are 6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. unless otherwise noted in the list.
Below is the 2024-2025 Workshop Schedule
September 12, 2024 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Michele Aloisio Aldorasi, Owner & Consultant
Mitigating Challenging Behaviors
As young children develop self-control and self-regulation, they can exhibit challenging behaviors. Often these behaviors manifest themselves in power struggles between you and the child. As adults, we need first to understand our temperaments and how they impact the way we interact with the child. In this workshop, we use the D.I.S.C. model of character to analyze ourselves as well as the child. Developing a specific course of action will strengthen their self-control and self-regulation. We discuss ways to effectively share the power to decrease and, ideally eliminate power struggles. Discussions focus on the real-world challenges the participants are dealing with and walk the class through the development of a plan.
Michele is a Certified Strength Behavioral Consultant, Life Coach for families, and Professional Speaker from the North Shore and Middlesex County of Massachusetts.
Fee: Non Members $25.00 payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
November 14 2024 6:30 - 8:30
"Intentional Play: Unlocking Math Learning Through Fun and Exploration"
Presenter: Katey Grossman
Katey has been a daycare provider for over 20yrs. She was a presenter at the NAFCC Conference. She has lead Family Conversation session through MAAEYC to help advocate for FCC providers.
Join us for a dynamic workshop that highlights the power of intentional play in early childhood education! Learn how to effortlessly weave math concepts into everyday play, making learning fun and natural for the children in your care. This hands-on approach not only fosters a love of learning but also meets developmental milestones in a stress-free environment. Family childcare providers will gain valuable strategies to enhance their programs, ensuring that play remains a crucial part of children’s growth and learning. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your practice--sign up today!
As part of our interactive workshop, we encourage you to bring your favorite math activity that engages children in play! This is a wonderful opportunity to share your creative ideas and inspire fellow family childcare providers.
Fee: Non Members $20.00 payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
January 2025
***Zoom Webinar**
Join Us for a Cozy Mindfulness Workshop on January 9th!
As Family Child Care providers, we give so much to others—but taking time for our own well-being is essential. On a chilly winter day, join us via Zoom from the comfort of your home to recharge, reduce stress, and learn how to give from a full cup. Let’s focus on you—because you deserve it!
Fee for non Members $20.00 payable by Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
April 10, 2025
Enhancing Family Child Care with Early Intervention: Supporting Developmental Success
Early Intervention provides additional services for children whose development is delayed or at risk for delay in any of the developmental domains. When Early Intervention services are offered in a family childcare setting, the child, families, and family childcare educators all benefit. Find out what Early Intervention does for children ages birth to 3, and when and how to refer families for EI services. Learn your responsibilities and how to balance your program needs as you support the needs of children receiving services.
Core Competency: 3. Partnering with Families and Communities.
Fee: Non Members $20.00 payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
Below is the 2023-2024 Workshop Schedule
Health, Safety & Nutrition in Family Child Care
It's time for a problem solving night! Illness policies, medications, emergency plans, nutrition, serving food safely, 51A's, physical activity and rest, vaccines, hand washing and more! Problem solving nights are an evening to discuss topics relevant to your program with other family child care professionals. Resources, experiences, ideas, and more are shared in a facilitated large group discussion.
Register here: https://forms.gle/oBuukFMxAGSBvC3u9
Date: Thursday October 12, 2023
Time: 630-830PM
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica
Doors open at 545PM for any providers that would like to socialize, network, or get support from other members.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
Description: Business Practices in ECE
Business Practices in ECE gives the participants the opportunity to learn how to maximize profits while maintaining an ethical approach to working with young children. This workshop goes over marketing techniques, yearly percentage increases, licensing challenges that affect profit, and small immediate financial decisions that can have long term potential growth towards your child care business.
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Gonzalez is currently a Senior Partner at the Early Education Development Group, a consulting firm dedicated to growing the child care business. He holds a Doctorate of Education from Northeastern University and has spent nearly 25 years in early education."
Core: 7, 8
Date: Thursday November 9, 2023
Time: 630-830PM
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica
Doors open at 545PM for any providers that would like to socialize, network, or get support from other members.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
by Sept 13th on Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
If you are registering multiple people, please complete a new form for each person in your group.
You will receive a copy of your registration to the email provided.
Register here: https://forms.gle/aCqpoJ19GPhTi1qh7
No Workshop
Provider Holiday Dinner
Internal of the Educator
Description: Staff Burnout and Challenging Behaviors
Presenter: Andrea Singarella, https://reachforthemoonconsulting.com
Andrea is a professional child care consultant. She specializes in all staff training, licensing regulations, and child care.
Core: 6, 2, 1
Date: Thursday January 11, 2023
Time: 630-830PM
Location: Virtual Webinar
Check your email for the link to access the workshop.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
on Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
If you are registering multiple people, please complete a new form for each person in your group.
You will receive a copy of your registration to the email provided.
This workshop is available in English.
Register here: https://forms.gle/ctXhsM7AZQdoocVv8
No workshop
Chinese Chat Night
Details coming soon!
Thursday March 14, 2024
This workshop is two parts. Part 1: Membership Meeting Part 2: Problem Solving Night
Description: Diversified Learners:Interacting with Children With and Without Disabilities
Presenter: Alison (Ali) Barnes, MEd, is a licensed family child care provider operating in Massachusetts since 2014. Ali approaches child care from an inclusive and holistic child centered view. Her pedagogy includes: what we know about child development and learning through science, the parents’ thoughts and wishes for their child, and the idea that all children are capable of learning and forming healthy, loving relationships. Prior to family child care, Ali worked providing early intervention services, as a para in moderate/severe special education in public schools, toddler & preschool lead teacher center based care, center based curriculum coordinator, and as a program director for school aged out of school programming. She has a bachelor degree in psychology from University of Southern Mississippi and a masters degree in early childhood education from Salem State University.
Time: 630-830PM
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica
Doors open at 545PM for any providers that would like to socialize, network, or get support from other members.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
Register here: https://forms.gle/dQPGqLCg9MSGUaXz5
Thursday April 4 CPR & First Aid
Thursday Apr 11 2024
Description: STEM workshop--Baby Steps to STEM for Infants and Toddlers
Presenter: Katey Grossman
Katey has been a daycare provider for over 20yrs. She was a presenter at the NAFCC Conference. She has lead Family Conversation session through MAAEYC to help advocate for FCC providers.
Infants and toddlers start learning through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) through responsive caring and everyday experiences (Barbre, 2017). Participants will develop and implement hands-on STEM activities and build and infants and toddlers curriculum to bring back to your program. Please join me in taking Baby Steps to STEM for Infants and Toddlers!
Core Competency: Standard # 5: Knowledge, Application, and Integration of Academic Content in the Early Childhood Curriculum.
MA QRIS Standard: Standard # 1: Curriculum and Learning.
Desired Course Outcome: Participants will be able to design developmentally appropriate STEM activities that are developmentally appropriate for infants and toddlers.
Time: 630-830PM
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica
Doors open at 545PM for any providers that would like to socialize, network, or get support from other members.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
payable by check to "FCCA" in person or
Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
Register here: https://forms.gle/vqyTV9q1jk34vHqu7
Date: Wednesday May 8, 2024
Time: 630-830PM
Engaging with Diverse Families
Description: Family involvement is an essential component of a quality early childhood program. However, it can be challenging when parents and families come from diverse cultures and backgrounds, resulting in differences in values, behavioral expectations, and communication. Participants will examine their own cultural beliefs, their origins, and explore how to better connect with and engage with all parents and families.
Presenter: Linda Schumacher
Linda lives in Holliston, Massachusetts with her husband, Gregory. She is the mother of two grown daughters. Linda enjoys travel, cooking, reading, gardening, dancing and crafts. Linda loves New England, where she has lived her entire life, including Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts. She has a Masters Degree in Special Education from Fitchburg State University and a Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education from The University of Vermont.
Core: 3
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica
Doors open at 545PM for any providers that would like to socialize, network, or get support from other members.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20payable by check to "FCCA" in person or on Venmo: @Alison-Barnes-81, last 4 of phone number is 0159
If you are registering multiple people, please complete a new form for each person in your group.
You will receive a copy of your registration to the email provided.
This workshop is available in English.
Register here: https://forms.gle/PHvj5GuKthmLAMzw6
FCCA End of the Year Dinner
----details coming soon!
Below is the 2022-2023 Workshop Schedule
(This list will be updated as workshops are booked)
Non-Member Information:
All family child care providers are welcome to attend a workshop. The non-member workshop fee is $25-$40 depending on the topic and must be paid before the workshop begins. Email [email protected] to confirm enrollment and schedule a payment. No refunds; Please make sure you can attend before signing up. Non-member workshop fees are not applicable towards membership.
Providers that are interested in seeing what the FCCA has to offer may attend for free. Non-members who do not pay for the workshop will not receive a training certificate. Visit the membership page to get more information on membership.
Please join us for: 5 Simple Steps to Improve Resiliency for You and Your Child
Teaching kids how to be resilient has always been a cornerstone of the Simply Social Kids program but never has it been more important than since the onset of the pandemic. This seminar will provide easy exercises that are scientifically proven to increase resiliency and optimism. I will share tools used to identify core strengths and explain how to improve overall well-being for the whole family. Nadine Briggs: CEO of Simply Social Kids and managing partner of Social Success Central is a best-selling author and an accomplished social educator
Core: 2, Diverse Learners
Thursday, September 8, 2022 630-830pm
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica, MA
Please join us for: Problem Solving Night-- Communicating with Parents, Contracts & Handbooks
Bring your contracts and parent handbooks. We will discuss current issues with communicating with parents and guardians. Discuss updates for contracts and handbooks.
Facilitator: FCCA Board & Membership, TBA
Core: 7
Thursday, October 13, 2022 630-830pm
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica, MA
Please join us for: Language & Pragmatics Development in the Era of Covid
Presented by:Abby Berry, Special Education Teacher, and Erica Doak, Speech & Language Pathologist at Chelmsford CHIPS
Core: 1, 5, Diverse Learners
Thursday, November 10, 2022 630-830pm
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica,
Please join us for: Risky & Winter Play in Family Child Care Settings
We all love play. We all want to support it. But we all have limits and certain play behavior makes us uncomfortable. Are we protecting our children or over protecting them? We know that appropriate risk is vitally important for childhood. To grow up healthy, resilient and confident, children need to be able to assess risk for themselves. If we do it all the assessing and saying “be careful”, “get down”, and “no” then how do children learn for themselves? But we don’t want children getting injured in the process. What’s a caring caregiver to do?
Rusty’s Risky Play workshop gets right to the heart of the matter with empathy and encouragement, and challenges us to confront our fears around risky play, ask why we say no to certain kinds of play, and find new ways to say yes.
Presented by: Rusty Keeler is a designer, author, and speaker with a unique sensitivity to the sights, sounds and experiences of childhood.
For nearly 30 years Rusty has traveled the world designing natural outdoor play environments and speaking about the benefits and beauty of saying “yes” to children’s play. Described as a cross between Mr Rogers and Jerry Garcia, Rusty is the author of multiple books on play and playscapes including his new book Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes? (Exchange Press: 2020) Rusty is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter at conferences, communities, and colleges worldwide — but he also likes being home enjoying a creative life with his family in his backyard and the creeks and gorges of Ithaca, NY.
Core: 2, 4
Thursday, January 12, 2023 630-830pm EST
Location: Virtual, Online Only
Please join us for: Problem Solving Night: Meaningful Progress Reports
We will have a discussion about why and how to create a meaningful progress report to share with parents and guardians. We will discuss ways to use progress reports in your program that go further than creating the document for your files. Please bring progress reports or developmental checklists to use during discussion and we will brainstorm ways to edit your reports.
Note: This workshop will begin with a brief update of FCCA business and membership meeting for the current year.
Facilitated by:Alison Barnes, FCCA President
Core: 1, 6, Diverse Learners
Thursday, March 9, 2023 630-830pm
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica, MA
Please join us for: Gardening with Children and it’s Benefits
Each participant will also get the chance to get their hands in the soil with a Make and Take Activity.
Gardening with children provides the perfect combination of skills and tasks to address a child’s
development. Growing a gardening is a great physical development activity.
Young children can practice large and small muscle development while gardening. I will even throw in
some Gardening songs with music and movement in them!
Another aspect of physical development is the sensory stimulation: Watering, touching the plants,
feeling their textures and playing in the soil is a great way to enhance sensory stimulation.
Gardens are a visual explosion of colors... and children are often more willing to try a new food if they
have been involved in the process of growing it. Math and Science are involved too !
Literacy skills can be part of gardening...I will give you a list of some of my favorite children’s books.
Gardening also fosters Cognitive development. Working together on your garden with your children is togetherness
time. Social Time is key in a child’s development... Just watch them grow as their garden grows!! It can be a garden bed, a
container garden or a simple pot to grow your garden in...From years of experience growing gardens
with my child care children...I know they will love it!!
Presented by: Karen Stairs owner of A Step Ahead Consulting, Workshops, and Professional Organizing
Karen is a mom of 4 and a grandmother of 4. She has worked in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 37 years. Karen is also a Creative Memories Advisor. Her interests are camping, gardening, quilting and scrapbooking.
Core: 4, 5
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica, MA
Please join us for: Working with Multi-Stressed Families
In today’s world, there are three types of situations we need to be prepared to work with: achieving outcomes in distressed families, sustaining competence in families experiencing stress, and helping families recover from traumatic events. While all families experience stress, ongoing or chronic distress erodes the family system in ways that lead to “the ecology of despair.” This series examines ways to conquer the greatest of adversities.
Presented by:
Jeanine Fitzgerald, Founder, Fitzgerald Community School
Jeanine draws on more than 35 years of professional experience to empower teachers and parents to achieve more with children “at risk.” With experience as a certified teacher, mental health professional and mother of three grown children, she understands the promise of every child, as well as the diversity of their needs.
As a speaker, consultant and master trainer, Jeanine has worked with thousands of children, professionals and parents across the country. The settings have been varied and included keynote presentations for The Child Welfare League of America, The New England Association for the Education of Young Children, The New England Head Start Association, The Vermont Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, The Children’s Trust Fund, and The Family Child Care Association of New York State. In addition, Jeanine has taught at the college level and presented on the campuses of The University of Rhode Island, Bryant University, Lyndon State College, and Harvard University. She is recognized on the federal level as an approved trainer in the fields of education, disabilities and mental health.
Core: 3, 8, Diverse Learners
Thursday, May 11, 2023 630-830pm
Location: First Parish Unitarian, 7 Concord Rd, Billerica, MA